Jesus Rebukes Peter In The Garden. The lord came for this very hour, and to rebel would be against the father's will. At some point, jesus took three of them—peter, james and john— to a place separated from the rest.

Peter was inadvertently being used of satan in thinking he was protecting jesus. As jesus and his disciples enter the garden of gethsemane, he tells them: Jesus' mission for coming to earth was a healing one, the bible says, meant to lead people to peace with god, within themselves, and with others.
The οϋν here is introduced between simon and peter, as if to imply that it was not merely simon son of jonas, but simon the rock, the man of mighty impulsive passion, ready, as he said a few hours since, to go with his master to prison and to death.
17:1), and the agony in the garden (matt. It is also a word describing how christians brothers are to relate to each other in a spirit of forgiveness: The word “rebuked” in the greek carries with it the meaning of “censure, warn, or admonish.” the words jesus used in both accounts were “get thee behind me satan.” Also, jesus was fully ready to die for all of us after praying in the garden, and he had been willing all along, but the human emotions naturally got to him and he had to pray the last part of it through.