Is Popcorn Bad For Cats. Therefore, while eating them, cover popcorns that have other harmful ingredients, limit the amount you give to your felines even if they like them and they are plain or avoid eating them while your feline pal looks at you because she will obviously want a bite. Popcorn has low nutritional value for cats and should be just a small treat.

Avoid feeding premade popcorns with garlic, onion, salt, butter, cheese flavors and popcorn coated in chocolate or caramel. Since, it doesn’t contain any toxic so plain popcorn is not bad for the cat. Unpopped kernels are bad for a cat's teeth and can cause digestive problems later.
Plus, popcorn has no nutritional value for felines.
Can cats eat kettle corn. Is popcorn bad for cats? Cornmeal is often blended into cat food as a “tie”. If you don’t give your cat anything, you feel bad, you feel sorry for yourself and think that a little bit can’t hurt.