Insulin For Cats With Diabetes. Fortunately, giving insulin to a cat is not a difficult or complicated process, and is not particularly painful or unpleasant for most cats. If your beloved feline has recently been diagnosed with diabetes, you may be feeling nervous or overwhelmed at the thought of having to administer insulin injections to your cat.

If your cat is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, it means that his pancreas is not producing enough insulin to regulate the amount of sugar in his most cases of feline diabetes, insulin is the treatment of choice. Koble adds, “all insulin is safe when used. Diabetes is also more common in older cats.
Diabetes mellitus is a disorder of the pancreas characterized by insufficient production of insulin and high blood glucose (sugar).
2015 update on insulin treatment for dogs and cats: Diabetes mellitus is a condition that affects the amount of glucose, or sugar, in your cat's blood. While diabetes can be controlled in some cats through a change of diet and weight loss, unfortionatly most diabetic felines cannot get by with lifestyle changes alone. Diabetes occurs when your cat's body makes too little insulin, stops producing it completely, or has an abnormal response to insulin.