I Peter 5 6 7. That word “cast” in 1 peter 5:7 bothers me and i try to make myself have the right attitude about god and the bible, but honestly i feel the way i feel. For god resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

[⇑ see verse text ⇑] this verse concludes the thought begun in verse 6. Marshall segal nov 4, 2015 15.5k shares article. John piper sep 10, 2012 10k shares
For he careth for you.
John piper sep 10, 2012 10k shares 7 cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.… 2 shepherd the flock of god+ under your care, serving as overseers,* not under compulsion, but willingly before god;+ not for love of dishonest gain,+ but eagerly; P 7 cast all your anxiety on him q because he cares for you.