How To Wean Puppies Off Milk. A mother dog has the capability of producing milk for her young for several months, and in the wild will suckle her pups for longer, allowing them to wean off naturally. As the caregiver, you should facilitate a smooth transition from breast milk to semi solid and solid foods with time.

Be patient with the process and the mess as the puppies are being weaned. Keeping the puppies on an alternate feeding schedule will help her to lessen milk production and help her to wean the puppies. When do we wean puppies.
Puppies have different needs than full grown dogs.
Under normal circumstances, it is best to start with supplementary feeding when the puppies have 2 1/2 to 3 weeks. You won’t completely — cold turkey — wean them off of their mother. Instead they'll be chowing down on puppy food. Formula amounts if it's time to wean your puppies, read the directions of your weaning formula to determine how much to feed them.