How To Wean Puppies Off Formula. Some litters are harder to wean than others. From then onwards, they enter the weaning process.

They’ll continue to nurse off of their mother, while they get used to eating their puppy food. Includes vitamins and minerals to support the healthy growth of strong bones and teeth. The discomfort of nursing teething puppies may cause the mother to pull away before her puppies are completely satisfied.
From then onwards, they enter the weaning process.
If they enjoy their new gruel, you can complete the weaning process with regular dry or canned food as described above. If you are having difficulty getting the puppies to accept food over milk, make sure they are hungry before offering them food. Premium formula powder is designed to give puppies a wholesome way to wean off milk. If the puppies have been hand raised for any reason, the sooner they are weaned and eating solid food on their own, the better.