How To Tell If Your Cat Is Dying. How to tell if your cat is dying. Recognizing the signs a cat is dying of old age can help you make the best choice for your pet.

Your vet could maybe add some years to your cat's life or maybe diagnose. When your cat is dying it shows various signs of ageing as it grows old, loss of weight, loss of appetite, refusal to play, eat or drink. When a cat is too sick to survive and recover, the signs she is actively dying can sometimes be very subtle.
He got that name because when he first came to us, he was a bum.
Your cat may follow you around the house, growing distressed when you leave. Just like in humans, the vital signs of dying cats are also significantly altered. You can tell if your cat is dying of liver failure by taking your cat to a veterinarian and getting it checked out. The cat passed quietly, and she felt great connection with him.