How To Show Your Cat You Love Them. Certified animal behavior consultant amy shojai writes. Consider some of your cat’s favorite spaces and add an extra bit of decoration like a pet bed, pillow, blanket, cat scratching post, or mouse toys.

10 ways to show your cat you love them #1. We all love extra treats from time to time and your cat is no different. Well, if you find it annoying, take a deep breath and realize they are telling you they love you and want to be beside you!
If possible, try to leave your cat in your lap.
Just as a heads up, information on the net about the way to show affection to your dog can be confusing and contradictory. But how a cat shows their love and gives affection is very different from how humans display love. If you make a purchase through these links, we earn a small commission. Did you know that some of your cute feline friend’s behaviors are them showing you how much they love you right back!