How To Sell Puppies Sims 4. With the release of my first pet stuff for ea’s the sims 4: I ended up getting a dfiferent dog pregnant and was able to successfully sell one of her pups.

Below we show you how to breed your cats and dogs in the sims 4. Pets can be acquired or sold by having a controlled sim give or sell a pet to another sim. A guru also seems to have confirmed it on twitter (saw it on simsvip).
To sell your pets, they need to be puppies or kittens, otherwise you will need to put them up for adoption.
Or, human sims can then sell the puppies or kittens for a decent amount of money, especially if they are aged up to adulthood and trained. To sell your pets, they need to be puppies or kittens, otherwise you will need to put them up for adoption. The sims 4 cats & While pets have much simpler needs compared to human sims, you cannot control pets directly.