How To Introduce A Cat To A Kitten. Hey kimberly, you introduce them to a dog in much the same way as what you would with a cat. The cat will become persistent and chase the rabbit and make it difficult for you to control.

As you know, cats recognize other cats (and humans) through each one’s unique scent. Get one of your kitten’s toys, ensuring that its smell has attached to it. How to introduce a cat to a kitten still requires you to follow the instructions from above, but the process will move exponentially faster since your current cat — or cats — will make it known pretty quickly that they are not to be messed with.
But by taking a calm, paced approach to the process of introduction, by laying the foundations of a respectful partnership between the older and the younger cat, and by sharing the love equally, you'll all get even.
Because of the territorial nature of cats, you want to introduce them slowly to get used to each other. Hearing and smelling each other allows cats to get used to each other without physically interacting. Think about personalities when choosing a new kitten; The next step is in how to introduce a kitten to an older cat is to allow them to smell and hear each other.