How To Get Your Puppy To Sleep Through The Night. Dogs don’t like to soil the areas where they sleep, so if your puppy needs a trip outside during the night, they will start to fuss and cry. Tips for having your puppy sleep through the night tire your puppy out.

See if sticking to this schedule can help ensure a full night of rest for both of you. But if your puppy has never been confined before, he will have a hard time learning the whole process within the first day. Until your puppy has grown enough to be able to hold their bladder through the night, allowing them to sleep in your bed is likely to end in soggy sheets.
Setting a schedule as soon as you bring your puppy home might also help them get to sleep at night.
This fact alone should be all the encouragement you need to properly train your pup until he finally gets the hang of things. How to teach your puppy to sleep through the night. Keep in mind that a full night’s sleep for your puppy might include waking at 6am. See if sticking to this schedule can help ensure a full night of rest for both of you.