How Often Should A Puppy Poop. While the question is partially a matter of convenience for owners who work or have busy schedules, it can also be a matter of canine health. Poop should not have a coating or a film over it.

At first it’s better if you watch your dog during her meals and after she’s done, and take her out when she shows signs that she needs to eliminate. Puppies generally defecate more often simply because we are feeding them more often. If the puppy's poop does not clear up within 24 hours, a sample should be submitted to the vet for examination.
After all, how often a puppy poops says a lot about how well things are functioning.
How often should an 8 week old puppy poop? In order to get your puppy or puppies to poop and pee after they eat, vca hospitals recommends taking a clean towel or a cotton ball and lightly wetting it, which will essentially mimic the tongue of a mother dog. Liver and pancreas issues are not often seen in young puppies, but a greasy look to the poop of an adult dog should be checked out. How often should a puppy poop?