How Much Should My Cat Weigh. There's no easy answer to how much a cat should weigh, but a visioual examination and comparison can help you assess your pets condition. 4ft 11″ (59″) 94 to 119 lbs.

If you’re asking how much should a cat weigh, wouldn’t it be nice to have someone help you find out the ideal weight for your pet without having to take a trip to the vet? If your cat is a mix of two or more breeds, you may struggle to pinpoint an average weight or range for her. Keeping off excess weight should lead to a healthier, happier cat.
There's no easy answer to how much a cat should weigh, but a visioual examination and comparison can help you assess your pets condition.
Run your fingers along your cat’s ribs. Keeping off excess weight should lead to a healthier, happier cat. Those resources also don’t account for mixed breed cats. How much should a cat weigh?