How Much Do Munchkin Cats Cost. This can vary by a couple hundred dollars based on the age of the munchkin cat. Though they are small, they are mighty and active.

Munchkin cats cost will vary in price depending on age, color, gender, paw size and breed of munchkin cat, but in general, breeders will charge between $ 500 and $ 1,200 per cat. The breed is desirable for its long, slender bodies and short legs. Munchkins have a moderate to high activity level.
There are plenty on petfinder if you put in your zip code but please do not take a kitten from its mother too early.
Note that as older as the cat is as cheaper is its price. Munchkins have a moderate to high activity level. There are several breeders who specialize in producing litters with munchkin kittens. How much does a munchkin cat cost?