How Do Cats Get Heartworm. It is difficult to diagnose, is incurable and can be fatal, is very preventable, and most often affects the respiratory system, not the heart. There is a wide margin of safety, even in kittens as young as six weeks of age.

Cats with adult heartworms typically have just one to three worms, and many cats affected by heartworms have no adult worms. It only takes one mosquito bite to infect a cat, and because mosquitoes can and do get indoors, both indoor and outdoor cats may be at risk. Paws for reflection looks at this issue because there was some […]
How do cats get heartworm?
Heartworm disease is a mosquito borne disease. Exposure to mosquitoes is required for transmission. We all tend to think of heartworm as a dog’s problem. The mosquito would then bite the cat, which allows the worms to transfer to the cat.