Hot Spots On Cats Home Remedies. Apply a light layer a few times a day. They’re referred to as hotspots because when you touch your cat’s skin infection, the area will feel hot.

Clipping the coat during the warmer months can lower the incidence of infections. Make a saturated solution by dissolving as much epsom salt as you can in warm water. Thickly furred dogs like the chow are more prone to hot spots during shedding season.
Symptoms of hot spots in cats.
First, you can take your cat to a veterinarian, where they’ll receive antibiotics to combat the bacterial infection and steroids to minimize pain and itchiness. Top 5 home remedies for hot spots on cats and dogs. Pet education recommends dissolving 1/2 cup of epsom salt in 1 gallon of water. Improper treatment may result in a worsening of the infection or, at the very least, a painful experience for your pet.