Himalayan Cat Shaved Like Lion. But it turned out it was not a single incident, there a numerous pictures of cats looking like this. If your cat finds it really stressful however and clearly takes a long time to act themselves after, or get used to their new look, you need to weigh up the health benefits to doing it again or not.

There are a few variations on the cut, but the basic look leaves the cat with very short fur on his body and legs, while his face, neck and most if not all of his tail are left alone. A cat shaved to look like a lion. Over 4 weeks ago on american listed.
Usually by the middle of fall its fur is completely normal.
Right now i have a lion cut and my body is shaved like a lion. Absolutly lovely cat month old. The costs add up over time. Like his persian parentage, the himalayan boasts a flat face and long, fluffy fur coat.