Loss of low end tq no way. The sound cut is not drastic anyways, and the smell for me doesn't exist unless the car is running rich as hell. High flow cats vs o/r h pipe:
Xforce metallic and ceramic high flow cats has shown to flow as much as 550cfm for a 2.5″ ceramic cat (400cell), and 750cfm for a 3” metallic cat (200cell as tested).
There is no magic super free flow catalytic converter out there and any company that tries to sell you one is not quite telling you the truth, the sad thing is, there are some web sites claiming they have high flow performance cats, and by the way at a huge inflated price, when in fact all you will be buying is the same converter you would. If the hi flow cats are close to the hp gain of the offroad then i would just as soon stay legal. High flow cats vs stock cats. High flow cats vs o/r h pipe: