Hedgehog Pet For Sale Petsmart. However, as previously mentioned, hedgehogs are exotic animals and the chances are slim that your local pet superstore carries this unique creature. There are a number of advantages that buying from breeders can bring you that make the ownership process a lot easier.

Due to size and/or weight, certain items bear a shipping surcharge or special handling fee, which will still apply. A hoglet (a term for baby hedgehogs) costs around as low as $70 to as high as $350 depending on the source, breed, age, etc. (2 days ago) first most, understand that no matter what, even if you buy a hedgehog for sale, or adopt, as a new pet owner it is your responsibility to care for the hedgehog it’s entire lifespan.
No big chain pet store will ever sale hedgehogs.
From fish, reptiles to small pets and birds, we can help you find the perfect new pet for your home. She can be quite shy but. But expect the pet hedgehog price to range a little higher, starting at $160 when bought from established breeding farms around the country. Just as with other companion animals, it's important to do your homework before buying a hedgehog.