Heart Murmur In Cats Medication. Cats that have physiological heart murmurs have a very good prognosis simply because they aren’t associated with a medical condition per se. Heart disease in cats is.

For instance, an extracardiac condition may be present when the cat has a fever or infection, though it may occur in cats that are pregnant, obese, or emaciated as well. Murmurs are commonly described as a whooshing sound and are a result of unstable blood flow in the heart. Detecting a heart murmur in your cat is the first step to determining if any underlying heart diseases or other problems are putting your cat at risk for something more serious.
For instance, an extracardiac condition may be present when the cat has a fever or infection, though it may occur in cats that are pregnant, obese, or emaciated as well.
For other cats, a murmur may indicate an underlying and possibly severe heart condition. The heart muscle or heart valves may be affected. For other cats, a murmur may indicate an underlying and possibly severe heart condition. High blood pressure, or hypertension, sometimes accompanies heart murmurs in adult cats.