Freya Goddess Cat Chariot. Another is to think even bigger: Freya’s chariot is pulled by two gray cats.

Freya’s chariot was pulled not by horses but by two male cats. 0 0 1 🙏 0 🤨 0 😮 0 😂 0. Both cats were described as being blue or gray and had been a gift from thor.
So skogkatts, being bigger than normal cats, are one solution.
Goddess freya soy tarts 6pk clam shell 1x1 sandalwood topped with rose & yarrow freya norse goddess of love and war areas of influence: See more ideas about nordic goddesses, goddess, freya. By her husband óðr, she is the mother of two daughters, hnoss and gersemi. Freya is the ruling goddess of the female ancestral beings known as the disir that can be called upon for guidance and to see into the future.