Freya And Her Cat Chariot. Specialising in blue, lilac, bicolours and colour points we sometimes have kittens. The illustration captures their robust spirit well, i feel.

When thor asked if the cat was the father it said yes and explains that he methrew a girl cat and they had the kittens and the mother cat left him as a single parent. Freya has a cloak of falcon feathers that allow her to turn into a falcon. “lady”), most renowned of the norse goddesses, who was the sister and female counterpart of freyr and was in charge of love, fertility, battle, and death.
Serve glasses of mead and ale.
As a sign of her domesticity, she is often portrayed with cats playing around her ankles. A chariot drawn by cats was another of her vehicles. Freya’s followers threw massive dinner parties in her name. The story of how freya got her cat chariot is that thor want fishing and was woken up by a cat singing he thought of freya when he saw them so he brought the cats to her freya loved them so much she decided to use the cats for her chariot.