French Vs English Bulldog Personality. With a few differences, the french bulldog looks like a miniature english bulldog. While american bulldogs are longer, more active and athletic, english bulldogs are smaller and therefore quieter.

When it comes to the pug vs french bulldog contest, the pug is a clear winner, as the biggest clown of the dog world with its mischievous antics! The french and english bulldog is friendly, loyal, and intelligent, but that is where the temperament similarities end. English bulldog temperament since these two gorgeous dog breeds have common origins (belong to the molossus group of dogs), they possess pretty similar personalities.
The english bulldog's skin is loose and pendant with heavy wrinkles and thick folds on the face and a dewlap hanging from the throat.
Let’s take a look at their features and characteristics. Also unique to the breed is the skull, which is flat between the ears. Frenchies are happy, sociable, and ready to cuddle or play. That’s because the frenchie was bred to be a toy version of the bulldog.