French Bulldog Blue Nose Pitbull Mix. The fraussie is a unique hybrid pairing of the short, stocky french bulldog with the larger, leaner australian shepherd. French bulldog puppies are very popular.

French bulldog pitbull mix puppies can look like one parent more than the other or be a mixture of the two. French bulldog pitbull mix appearance. There’s no such thing as a blue nose pitbull people use the term wrong the blue colored dogs of today are mixxed with other breeds to be that color american staffordshire tertiers have the blue color but it’s a resesive white gene and i’d probably threre from mix breeding too there’s no such thing as a blue nose or red nose pitbull it.
French bulldog and pitbull mix.
This can influence other aspects of the dog, like their health and exercise requirements. This pup has lower energy level outputs and makes a nice blend with the apbt. The pitbull bulldog mix is a medium to a large canine that can weigh 40 to as much as 80 pounds with a height of 20 to 24 inches. A johnson american bulldog pitbull mix, for instance, may have the wider chest and boxier head of a johnson american bulldog.