Feline Pregnancy Timeline. The typical gestation period for cats is about 9 weeks, and a pregnant cat will begin to display telling physical and behavioral changes soon after becoming pregnant. Due to the long duration of a cat’s heat, cats are considered as.

At the very beginning of your cat’s pregnancy, mating and fertilisation occur, although you will not be able to tell definitively that your cat is pregnant for a couple of weeks. But if you’re not prepared for an unexpected litter of kittens or be able to care for them, we recommend getting your cat spayed. Feeling your cat's belly is sometimes useful but not always accurate.
The prominent cat pregnancy symptoms are typically observed around the first three weeks of pregnancy.
Although a cat’s breeding season is technically year around, the western hemisphere breeding. They can confirm that kittens are on the way, and get an idea of how many, in a few ways: Ultrasonography is also useful in pregnancy determination and permits evaluation of fetal viability. The different cat pregnancy stages are observed over a period of 63 days which is the typical feline gestation time.