Fat Cats Bowling Rexburg. Offers a lot of fun things to do. Movie theater, arcade, bowling alley.

About fatcats rexburg attractions at fatcats in rexburg include 16 lane bowling alley, glow in dark mini golf, billiards, balladium, fatcats cinema 6, bowling leagues, and arcade. The fatcats website is absolutely terrible to navigate, which may be an indication of how their service and entertainment experience is. Enjoy activities like the bowling alley, glow golf, arcade, billiards, and balladium.
Features include 16 lanes of classic tenpin bowling, 3d cinema and balladium play arena with state of the art nerf cannons and loads of other fun.
To practice bowling in the city of rexburg is simple in the great bowling alleys that we offer you below. Current job listings 13 total jobs. Find 1 listings related to fat cats in rexburg on yp.com. 11:10 am 01:40 pm 04:15 pm 06:45 pm 09:15 pm.