English Bulldog Colour Chart. Every gene has two sides. The english bulldog coat comes in a variety of colors there are standard and non standard colors standard colors are colors approved by the kennel clubs the english bulldog, is not recognised in any colour that is not listed in the breed standard by the kennel clubs for example black, lilac and chocolate colors

Also has in depth breed anaylisis and full color profile photos defining what makes each. It is important to realize that the genetics of coat color is very complex and confusing. Most of the working dogs kept the more muted, camouflage colors.
Most of the working dogs kept the more muted, camouflage colors.
Color chart rare color dna explained little wele to sandov s english bulldog color chart color chart colors and pricing how much does an english bulldogofficial dna chart color wele to sandov s english bulldogdna color chart pla merle english bulldogs home of the fully suited andwith flying english bulldog colors diffe wele to sandov… read more » They mostly have blue/green eyes. How to know if your dog is allergic skin diseases and still is a english bulldog color chart. Tri is actually a nickname for the black and tan coat.