Dragon Fish Pet Video. A pet fish may be obtained from harry's fishing shop in catherby, by using a tiny net to fish in one of aquarium fishing spots inside the shop. These freshwater fish are known best for their beautiful fins and color.

Obtaining the pet is not a guaranteed drop from the sea emperor, and the rarity is random as well. It is also believed that keeping arowana fish drives evil spirits and bad omens. The picture just above shows a dragon fish for sale in our facility.
You think of a pet fish as this innocent thing, a reminder of childhood.
Pets are companions that, when equipped, increase the number of bubbles blown per click and increase a player's currency multipliers. The ender dragon pet has 2 rarities, epic and legendary.although this pet has the highest strength, crit chance and crit damage stats of any pet in the game, this pet's high rarity and very high cost on the auction house makes it hard to obtain and not. Dragon force ( indonesia ). Dragon fish in an aquarium.