Dog Eats Cat Litter Clumping. My dog ate a bunch of tidy cats clumping litter this morning. If a person suspected their cat has consumed clumping cat litter, bentonite clay, and the cat appears normal and isn't showing distress or vomiting or anything else out of the norm, just remove the clay litter and use something else until you can get a more safe alternative.

If she has eaten enough it can even lead to an intestinal impaction. There are a variety of different cat litters: If a dog eats enough, it is possible for the litter to cause constipation or a gastrointestinal obstruction.
The most common effects are blockages or the dog being physically sick.
A common cause of dog owners’ frustration is when their pooch gets into the litter box or litter pan and eats the kitty litter. Of course, there are many types of litter: Prevention is always better than cure. Hairball medication we recommend if your dog ate cat litter: