Dog Eating Cat Litter Vomiting. How can cat litter make my dog sick? In more extreme circumstances it can also result in seizures, muscle weakness, lack of coordination.

For a limited time, you can purchase this cat litter mat for only $15 on amazon. Even natural cat litter can be dangerous, as it can swell and cause. What to do if your dog raids the litter box, animal behavior aug 23, 2013 is eating cat poop bad for a dog, or is it actually good first of all, i could never recommend feeding a dog cat poop as a way of treating diarrhea.
If your dog is vomiting, reluctant to eat or has a loss of appetite, acting lethargic, or straining to defecate, please see your veterinarian to determine if the ingestion of clumping cat litter is causing a problem in your dog.
Do you really want your dog to snack from the litter box and then give you. The main components in a cat box are old dirt and bentonite. Without seeing your cat, it is difficult to say why he might be eating the cat litter, but the best thing to do in the short term maybe to change cat litters to find something that he does not find so appealing. If she has eaten enough it can even lead to an intestinal impaction.