Do Indoor Cats Need Shots. The general consensus among veterinarians is that kittens definitely need a certain amount of care and booster shots, regardless of whether they go outdoors or are strictly indoor cats.along with deworming medication (kittens are notorious for getting worms from their mothers’ milk) they need booster shots as well, to keep them healthy as they grow. Boarding is definitely not possible without shots (worst case scenario for me would be boarding).

Keep in mind that during the vaccination visit, your cat is also receiving a good physical examination, and this is necessary to keep cats healthy. Before the days of effective vaccines, cats routinely died from panleukopenia (“feline distemper”) and complications of upper respiratory (herpesvirus, calicivirus) infections. We had indoor cats for years, they didn’t get shots past their kitten shots and many cat veterinarians agree.i have never gotten a bat in my house, and only people i know who have were in 2 nd.
Some of these vaccines are more important than others, especially if your cat has a history of escaping the house to interact with other cats outdoors.
We had indoor cats for years, they didn’t get shots past their kitten shots and many cat veterinarians agree.i have never gotten a bat in my house, and only people i know who have were in 2 nd. One of the most common carriers of the rabies virus are bats. The shots come in a series every 3 to 4 weeks. Even if they never leave the house, indoor cats still need to be vaccinated to protect their health.