Do Cats Get Bored Of Toys. Probably, just like outdoor cats do. Conversely, if your cat is leaving more food than usual in their bowl, your cat may be depressed from being alone for extended periods.

Some indoor cats get bored because they aren’t being engaged in proper play, or don’t have enough to do within the home. That can cause some problems, like when they decide to scale your curtains to get a better view of your living room. Conversely, if your cat is leaving more food than usual in their bowl, your cat may be depressed from being alone for extended periods.
In cats, boredom usually manifests itself as ‘trouble’, either to you, other cats, or the individual themselves.
In cats, boredom usually manifests itself as ‘trouble’, either to you, other cats, or the individual themselves. Overeating can lead to obesity, which may cause health problems for your pet. Sometimes it takes a while to engage them in play.i agree with otto's suggestion to drag the toy under a rug. And you must let them win :) level 1.