Do Cats Get Bored Of Food. They can sleep upwards of sixteen hours a day; Periodically provide your cat with catnip, since it can stimulate activity and play.

Working for food is a concept that’s a natural for cats but in many households, food is just piled high in the food bowl so the cat doesn’t get the opportunity to seek out his prey. Days spent consuming more food than recommended may just be a tool for passing the time, which in turn without proper routine exercise will make their tummy grow excessively. Just like humans get bored from time to time, so do cats.
There's a risk in letting a cat get too used to eating just one food.
Cats may be cute and cuddly, but they also can be a challenge to care for, especially if they are indoors all the time. But, just like humans, cats crave and require interaction and mental and physical stimulation. Keep a supply so that you can rotate, hiding items temporarily and then reintroducing. Cats are by nature not the most active creatures.