Distemper Vaccine For Cats Necessary. (see link below) however, adult cats who were adequately vaccinated as kittens do not need repeated boosters. Although two and even three doses of vaccine were the original recommendations made in the aaha 2003 canine vaccine guideline, dr schultz’s research shows that the series of vaccinations is unnecessary.

Do older cats need vaccinations? The vaccine can cause a reaction or becomes inactive if administered to depressed, parasitized or malnourished cats. It is, i believe, one of the conditions that leads to hyperplasia in kittens if the mom has/had it while pregnant.
Combination vaccine fvrcp, or feline distemper, felv for felines at risk of exposure to feline leukemia virus (cats that are unsupervised outdoors), and rabies annually as required by law.
The typical vaccine is a combination that protects against feline distemper virus, feline calicivirus and feline herpesvirus. Cats who go to the groomer or stay at a kennel should get vaccinated for this infection that spreads quickly in spaces where there are lots of animals. Panleukopenia is a deadly disease, and kittens must receive their initial vaccine series. Take the necessary precautions to vaccinate and protect your pet against this deadly disease.