Could Cats Eat Watermelon. Watermelon is a decent source of vitamins a and vitamin c, just as dietary fiber. Asking the question can cats have watermelon these hot days is common between cat owners who enjoy eating this amazing summertime treat!

There is a catch though, they can only eat it in moderation and should be avoided for diabetic cats. But, not all cats should eat watermelon. Although it is safe for cats to eat this fruit, it doesn’t mean that we should include it into their regular diet.
Cats like this tend to become constipated regularly and while i commonly recommend giving your cat pumpkin to help move things, watermelon is also a great choice.
This deliciously succulent fruit is a big favorite with us humans can our cats enjoy watermelon too? Diabetic cats should have a low sugar diet, even if the sugar is “healthy” like in fruit. This can likewise help in high stomach related capacity in our catlike companions. Watermelon is very safe for cats to eat.