Could Cats Eat Blueberries. Don’t run for the fridge just yet though; A punnet of blueberries may not be an issue for people to consume, but it is a lot for a cat and could potentially cause an upset stomach.

The supplements include seaweed, organic blueberries, organic coconut flour and turmeric. Can cats eat blueberries safely, and if so, how many blueberries can a cat. Keep reading to learn all about blueberries for guinea pigs.
This means that too much fruit, even a healthy fruit like blueberries, can cause digestive problems or prevent them from getting the protein they need in their diet to stay.
What other fruits can cats eat? To give apples to your cat, peel it, and remove all the seeds. Remember, though, that these fruits should never be a major source of nutrition for any cat. If you have a strawberry plant somewhere, the razor leaves could irritate your cat’s skin and cause a rash.