Clicker Training For Cats Amazon. Clicker training incorporates the use of a clicker as a reward or encouragement when training a cat. Saltar al contenido prueba prime hola, identifícate cuenta y listas identifícate cuenta y listas devoluciones y pedidos prueba prime carrito.

Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Clicker training also has numerous other benefits. The first command is the hardest (sit in our case), but they learn faster with later commands and tricks.
It can make your cat happier and more affectionate.
She is the ceo of sunshine books, a clicker training publishing and internet company. It’s also a wonderful way to engage with your kitty and strengthen your bond. Give it a try, both you and your cat will have a good time and you will be so proud of your cat for showing you how smart it is. Clicker training is now in use by people working with pet and performance animals of all kinds, and with wild animals in zoos and marine parks worldwide.