Chantilly Tiffany Cat Traits. Breed description and pictures submitted by: However, a weekly brush will help to.

However, in a british registry called gccf, a breed that is a cross between a chinchilla persian and a burmese had already been named the tiffanie to avoid confusion, this cat was then renamed the chantilly and is now usually referred to as the chantilly/tiffany. Chantilly tiffany 5 characteristics and traits dogreal com. There are no known genetic health issues, but this cat is prone to psychological stress if it is left alone too often.
However, a weekly brush will help to.
These felines are known for being affectionate, social, and talkative. However, a weekly brush will help to. Physical standards of the breed Since tiffany breeders began to focus on the vigor of the breed by outcrossing, the tiffany has developed a more varied color pallet, including black, blue, cinnamon, fawn and lilac.