Cerebellar Hypoplasia Cat Care. Cerebellar hypoplasia cats and kittens has 17,167 members. Four letters you never want your dog or cat to meet.

A cat with ch often falls down and has trouble walking or cannot seem to walk at all. Cerebellar hypoplasia (cer·e·bel·lar hy·po·pla·sia) is a disorder found in cats and dogs which causes jerky movements, tremors, and generally uncoordinated motion, just like ataxic cerebral palsy in humans. For cat lovers who want to nurture healthy cats, it’s imperative to understand this common neurological condition known as cerebellar hypoplasia.
You can care for your cat with cerebellar hypoplasia by keeping it indoors, which will keep it safe and prevent it from hurting itself or getting stuck.
Having ch does not shorten an animal’s life span. Litter box tips for cerebellar hypoplasia cats for more litter box posts, click the photo. A cat with cerebellar hypoplasia has an underdeveloped cerebellum, a part of the brain located in the back of the brain beneath the cerebrum. Cerebellar hypoplasia is a disorder of the brain in which the cerebellum, the portion of the brain that manages coordination and fine motor skills, is underdeveloped.