Causes Of Blepharitis In Cats. Blepharitis means inflammation of the eyelid and can affect one or both eyes. Others may wake with dried tears around their eyes and a feeling of sand in their eyes.

Once you have the demodex mites under control, you can then start to focus on the damage that they did. Like in humans and all other animals, the most exposed categories to any disease, because they have a less capable immune system, are kittens and senior cats. We look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of blepharitis in cats.
Like in humans and all other animals, the most exposed categories to any disease, because they have a less capable immune system, are kittens and senior cats.
This in turn causes the dog to scratch or rub the eye to find relief. Learn what we know about. A swollen eyelid can be caused by inflammation in the tissues around the eye. Among the causes of this condition are the following: