Cats Poop Out Coffee Beans. Farmers traditionally used to collect the animal's waste and scour it for coffee beans as a way. Here’s some more information about these uniquely processed, yet extremely expensive coffee beans:

Genuine kopi luwak coffee beans release hidden flavor compounds from the beans that are never accessed by regular roasting and brewing. At some magical, undocumented point in history, a truly disturbed person picked out the partially digested beans from the animal's poo, and found that it was fermented to perfection in the varmint's alimentary canal. Made from the beans of coffee berries that have been eaten and excreted by the asian palm civet cat, this coffee, which is known as “kopi luwak” or “civet cat poop coffee,” can be found in cafés and coffee gardens in bali and elsewhere.
In most parts of the world excrement from wild animals is considered waste.
It is made through a process by which an animal called a civet cat eats coffee beans before pooping them. Unfortunately for gardeners, cats seek out bare soil to use as their toilet space making gardens a prime target. However, the process made the coffee really rare and really expensive. Here’s some more information about these uniquely processed, yet extremely expensive coffee beans: