Cat X Ray Sedation. Veterinary staff will monitor the cat until the effects of sedation of general anesthetic have worn off. Whilst under sedation, patients are continuously monitored by a dedicated veterinary nurse and supervised by an anaesthetist through the use of advanced monitoring equipment is to control the patients vital signs.

Dental radiographs can help diagnose problems like tooth resorption, periodontal disease, cavities and oral masses. Age is not a barrier for anaesthetic, but let us know about other health problems. It is just necessary that the cat stands still for 1 or 2 seconds, the time the tech needs to aim the point to be checked.
Age is not a barrier for anaesthetic, but let us know about other health problems.
Please contact cumberland veterinary clinic to discuss pricing. At home, i noticed a twitching of his upper lip,in the area of the canine teeth. Sedation also helps with pain control. He was given some injections with antibiotics while he was in hospital.