Cat Tooth Extraction Cost 2020. Also, a dental cleaning for a healthy cat with minimal tartar and no other oral problems will be much cheaper than a cleaning for a cat that has severe periodontitis, several loose teeth in need of extraction, or kidney disease that requires additional anesthetic monitoring and support. It takes a lot of experience and time to perform dental surgery on cats.

Recovery and caring for your cat after a tooth extraction. Cats do well after dental extractions and even those who have had all teeth removed (due to stomatitis), are still able to eat well. When the vet wants to pull all your cat’s teeth.
Fortunately, there are ways for you to avail for dental extraction services at a significantly reduced price.
In this article, we will discuss why prices differ as well as how to recognise the signs of broken teeth and the management of them. Our fixed price for a pet dental procedure is £289 which includes the anaesthetic and pain relief medication to go home with. Your cat’s mouth will be tender after a tooth extraction, and often cats have several teeth removed at one time. In some cases, cat tooth extraction can be prevented.