Cat Thyroid Medication Liquid. Tablets or liquid medication can be used to control hyperthyroidism. He won't take pills and he didn't like the first chewable medication that the vet ordered.

Medication to slow the overactive thyroid gland(s) surgery to remove the gland(s) medication. To ensure that your cat swallows all of the medication, it is best to mix it into a small amount of canned food that you feed by hand, rather than mixing it into a full bowl of food that the cat may not completely eat. Methimazole is a medication that can be used in cats with increased thyroid hormone levels but may also be effective in cats with hypothyroidism.
The medication option consists of giving kitty methimazole twice a day.
We have this problem with our 15 year old tabby and we cant get medication down her at all. Hyperthyroidism medication for cats (methimazole) hyperthyroidism treatment options in cats and dogs. Thyroid replacement therapy in dogs with hypothyroidism. Hyperthyroidism, or too much of the thyroid hormone circulating in his body, usually occurs because of a benign tumor growing on the gland.