Cat Tail Up And Shaking. So when you see your cat sticking their tail up and vibrating take it as a compliment. For instance, if your fluffball's tail is shooting straight up into the air while it's vibrating and shaking, she is probably feeling giddy about something.

They are happy to see you! When your cat’s tail puffs up like a bottle brush, you can be pretty sure that your cat feels threatened and has become defensively aggressive.your cat may bristle his tail if you startle him, if he’s scared, or if another cat (or person) angers him. This is a ploy designed to make an aggressor go away.
The hair on their spine also stands up giving them a halloween cat profile and making them seem larger.
Tail is whipping back and forth quickly; When your cat’s tail puffs up like a bottle brush, you can be pretty sure that your cat feels threatened and has become defensively aggressive.your cat may bristle his tail if you startle him, if he’s scared, or if another cat (or person) angers him. However, this is good news for me because i was so afraid they were not going to get along at all and i still think the tail shaking has something to do with the fact that she is still nervous about her new home. Tail is whipping back and forth quickly;