Cat Swollen Ear Causes. Allergies and foreign objects lodged in the ear canal are responsible for many ear infections in cats as well. Treating a swollen ear at home.

When the cat scratches at its ears, the scratching may cause the skin to shear away from the cartilage, rupturing the blood vessels and. If your cat has chronic ear infections, the vet may prescribe a medication to help reduce the swelling of tissue in the ear canal. Ear infections often cause a cat’s ears to become more red and swollen than do mite infestations, and the discharge from an infected ear tends to have a distinctly foul odor.
They penetrate into the thin skin on the ear, causing inflammation;
The bacteria can infect the ear and cause swelling and inflammation. Swelling is rapid and the hematoma forms within minutes of the vessel's rupture. Medications are used for swollen ear canal. Cats are notorious for biting and scratching each other during play and for all other reasons!