Cat Stung By Wasp On Nose. Usually an insect sting is just painful and irritating for your pet, but there are times when you should be more concerned. In many cases, a single sting will cause signs such as swelling, pain, redness and itching at the site.

A bee or wasp sting is an uncomfortable and often painful experience that is common during the warmer months when these stinging insects are most active and people spend more time outdoors. The severity of any pet's reaction to a sting is difficult to predict and can be highly variable. The stingers contain poisonous venom that causes reactions in your body.
A cat stung by a wasp or bee reacts in one of two ways.
Quickly search the area for flying insects as well as crawling ones. The most dangerous consequences of the attack in the area of the muzzle. A cat stung by a wasp or bee reacts in one of two ways. Here’s what you can do when your cat battles a bug: