Cat Stung By Bee On Paw. Most cats suffer from localized pain and swelling at the site of the sting, such as poor lizzie developed after the wasp stung her. No vet offices around are open if she has an allergic reaction.

I will call the vet tomorrow & ask about benadryl dosage for the next time my idiot cat hunts bees. A bee stinger can continue to seep venom into the skin for several minutes after the sting is delivered. If the stung area is swollen and hot, apply cortisone cream and hold ice on skin for a short time.
Bee stings can produce a huge swelling very quickly but aren't usually too painful.
If she is stung in the face, she my try and paw at the sore spot, but it is best to leave it alone. So his paw is a little swollen but he is fine. If it is her paw, try and get her to lie down so she doesn't aggravate the wound further. After being stung, normal symptoms are swelling in the area of the sting and some sensitivity in that area.