Cat Stung By Bee Lips. I got sting by a bee/wasp yesterday and my lower lip swelled up and part of my jaw on the right side of my face did as well. Cat stung by a bee can look quite hilarious, but it's important to know how to help them out as well.

We heard her yippe a bit in a funny tone. If a cat gets stung by a bee, he might show signs of swelling, pain in the muscles around the affected area, vomiting, fatigue, fever and shock (respiratory distress). When a cat is experiencing respiratory distress, his tongue turns blue, welts appear throughout the body, face starts swelling, or heart rate and breathing become rapid.
If your cat has been stung by a bee in the mouth, as the area can quickly become swollen, causing difficulty breathing.
Renowned for her classic beauty and charismatic presence, she rocketed to stardom as a dancer in the ziegfeld follies, moving across the country to star in her first film, to have and to hold, in 1916. I got sting by a bee/wasp yesterday and my lower lip swelled up and part of my jaw on the right side of my face did as well. Wasp and bee stings are common in dogs in the spring, summer and early autumn. It’s worth bearing in mind that multiple bee or wasp stings can be fatal.