Cat Sprained Leg What To Do. If your cat winces when you touch a certain area of his leg, and is stiff, but exhibits no other signs of pain, he most likely has soft tissue trauma. Warm up, cool down, and stretch before and after you exercise.
Im not sure if I can get any help here but does this look from
Do not allow the cat to lick its paws. Ligaments hold the body's joints together, and improper or insufficient care can cause permanent injury and disability. Jack (7 months old) sprained his leg about 3 weeks ago.
Despite their agile acrobatics, cats occasionally hurt themselves.
The 411 on atopic dermatitis. It could be a sprain that isn't healing since he's such an active cat, but the length of time he has been limping is worrisome. If your cat steps in stinging nettles, it will soon feel uncomfortable. If the carrier has a removable top, take it off and gently lower the cat into the carrier.